My New Website!

>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Well, honestly it still needs some sprucing up, but here is my spankin' new, fresh out of the internet website:
Leah's Website
Check it out sometime and let me know what you think. It is sort of a work in progress that I will add to over time. Have a splendid Wednesday!


Number One

>> Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hello, everyone!

This is my first blog, and I can't help but feel extremely postmodern in beginning this. I figure it will take me awhile to perfect the art, so I am getting an early start (ha-a rhyme already!). Anyway, the reason I am embarking on this individualistic and enjoyable hobby is that I will be studying abroad in Uruguay for my next semester of school. This will give my "little friends" and curious mother some satisfaction through photos and updates while I am away. In the meantime, I have some summer experiences and travels approaching that ought to help me get some footing before the fall!


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