Rocha Weekend

>> Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This weekend we took a group trip to the department of Rocha, where I have now been several times! Rocha is known for its beaches, so we spent our time between the beaches of La Paloma and isolated Cabo Polonio.  On the way up, we stopped at Punta Ballena to visit Vilaro’s Casapueblo, which was really neat. We also got to visit the Ombú forrest, which was like being in a Dr. Seuss land.
Oh, and I saw my first CARPINCHO! Finalmente!
It has been great having Bev, Meg, and Mandy along... it just makes sense!
Here are some trip shots:


Punta Ballena

Our boat being saved by the Gaucho guide

Me and and an Ombú ("hey guys, it's not actually a tree...")

The ride to Cabo Polonio

Casi Cabo Polonio
I also had a horse-back riding adventure (not documented), in which my death was highly expected. In summary, my horse was angry and the brakes weren't working. Fortunately, my clamp-hands held me on and eventually my horse was taken back and traded out for a blue rone! (My favorite!)

It was a restful weekend; the calm before the storm. Now papers, exams, and final projects are spinning around our brains and causing me to procrastinate. It is hard to believe the semester is already almost over! Glad I will be here some extra time!

2 leave your comment:

Anonymous December 05, 2010  

О! Aku hanya menambahkan halaman web Anda ke favorit saya. Saya suka membaca posting Anda. Terima kasih!

The Special Coin December 05, 2010  

Anda selamat datang! It is a pleasure to know that this is crossing international borders. It makes me glad because I think any kind of cross-cultural learning is beneficial. Enjoy!

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